No Greater Beauty

Don’t worry if you feel you can only do
one tiny good thing in one
small corner of the cosmos.
Just be a Buddha body in that one place.

Thích Nhất Hạnh

Every morning, I wake to my “small corner of the cosmos.” Its immensity is never lost on me. Mine is not to save or change the world but to be a “Buddha body.”

I meet the energy of each day, exploring the field of possibilities. Chronic illness may confine me but it does not keep me from a virtual walk within the world. Mine is to offer something somewhere.

Everything counts. No one act is greater than another; there is no sliding-scale in courage. Compassion comes in all sizes and shapes. There is no greater beauty.


Rare is my glimpse of Buddha nature, the world in full bloom, balanced in the hush of the moment. It’s humbling and reassuring but always, there is the question of being worthy.

Mary Oliver says “we need beauty because it makes us ache to be worthy of it.”

Being a Buddha body is to know such an ache.

Aim for Even posts offer equanimity a dose at a time. No day or dose is ever the same, even if the aim is. You may read about the origins of Aim for Even here or on this site’s About page.

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