The Mine of Time

I no longer mine time or its constructs of day, year, or hour. Each offers a vein of value–time tunnels–I dig deep in these caverns.

I trust the tunnel where I find myself, turning over such nuggets like living a routine of no routine, a phrase that irritates AutoCorrect, defying definition. I take heart in that.

I know not to stay in one tunnel too long or my vision narrows. It’s a constant exploration this living a routine of no routine, keeping open my heart.

There are some who walk with me while others find me a fool and wave me by, wondering if I have lost all sense, and maybe I have, but there are students in the streets, no longer safe in schools.

Self-pity is a luxury they forgo, and I drop mine to follow these heroes, now no longer young, living a routine of no routine.

Aim for Even posts offer equanimity a dose at a time. No day or dose is ever the same, even if the aim is. You may read about the origins of Aim for Even here or on this site’s About page.

4 thoughts on “The Mine of Time

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  1. i like your metaphor of mining for time in caverns and tunnels. it is intriguing. Like you say, if you stay in one tunnel too long, vision narrows. we can measure time but we don’t understand it. somehow I have a deeply seated feeling that time, the way we perceive it and measure it, is a trick of the mind, which is why we zen buddhists try to find that spot that is at the dead center of the present.

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