Full of Fault and Grace

A while back, Seth Godin wrote a great post about the response, “I don’t like your work,” emphasizing the importance of someone taking the time to respond. Time may or may not be money but for everyone, it has worth.

Some who know me don’t like my work but so far, they still like me (or haven’t told me otherwise). Others who do not know me but do know my words respond thoughtfully and consistently, not always in agreement.

Rarely do I receive what I call the “click bait reaction,” nothing of substance behind a bold sentence. That is more about that person’s needs than my work. Still, the person took the time.

Whenever something in my writing exacts a response, I work with the words I received. They inspire questions. As Jack London wrote, “You can’t wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club.” Sometimes, the club comes to you.

A recent NPR discussion regarding social media offered that most people are open to change, see a real need for it. They just don’t want to be among those few who stand firm, effecting that change. It’s hard work, not for everyone every time but for each of us a turn awaits.

Our work stands in egolessness, not in the absence of self but in its complete presence, full of fault and grace. It’s the human experience, the work we do.

“I don’t like your work.”

Thank you for taking the time to tell me.

Aim for Even posts offer equanimity a dose at a time. No day or dose is ever the same, even if the aim is. You may read about the origins of Aim for Even here or on this site’s About page.

2 thoughts on “Full of Fault and Grace

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    1. Oh, Maeve! You are wonderful! Like or dislike, a response is not personal (for me); the worth is in the time it took to respond. Those words are valuable and sometimes, inspiring. (That Jack London quote is great, isn’t it?) I am glad you like my work but mostly, thank you for taking the time to respond.

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