At Some Point, It’s a Leap

As I finished my morning yoga practice, I paused to look out my front room window.  A squirrel was jumping from limb to limb.

A wish from long ago dropped in: Oh, if all I had to do was leap from limb to limb….

It seemed so carefree, and I longed to escape. The world was so hard.

Everywhere I looked it seemed that everyone’s life was easier than mine, not simpler, surely, but easier. They seemed to know when to leap.

Just the very thought of risk frightened me so much I didn’t recognize that a leap from limb to limb is risk disguised as grace.

The only care the squirrel has is survival, like every life form on the planet.

Some of us just accept that better or seemingly so. 😉

We are not all brave all the time, and I suspect squirrels are also reluctant. After all, the leap to the next limb may bring the unexpected. At the very least it brings a bit of the unknown.

In these years, I know there is no staying on one limb too long.

Aim for Even posts offer equanimity a dose at a time. No day or dose is ever the same, even if the aim is. You may read about the origins of Aim for Even here or on this site’s About page.

4 thoughts on “At Some Point, It’s a Leap

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  1. Reminds me a bit of the lesson in “Who Moved My Cheese?” Did you ever read that? Simplest darn book with such a universal lesson. We are never truly standing still, even when we think we are.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I used to watch the squirrels in the trees level with my 3rd floor apartment, no hesitation, wonderful. So it should be (and it is) for us in our leaps and bounds.


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